Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Red-Eye

So, my biggest surprise of the day is the fact that you can actually survive 48 hours without sleeping. There is actually a lot of substance in that. I remember some good times at Bluewater Covenant Bible Camp, where we (the counselors) would meet for our 10am staff meeting and all of us would look like hell, bags under our eyes, jaws hanging slightly open due to lack of muscle control and hair unruly from sleeping (or not sleeping) in a room of 8 fifth graders. Needless to say, when kids spend a week at camp and it is their only week there, so you want to make it unforgettable, so you put in 100%, but you've been putting in 100% all summer, so really you only have about 11% left, that is when we ended up in the beach house in our unresponsive state. That state did last the whole meeting, we would pray and drink 3 Mountain Dews (caffeine, yum) and walk out that door with 110% energy. It was truly amazing.

You may think, oh-it's the Mountain Dew, but no, it isn't... It is God, as it always is. When we ask we receive and that includes energy, so at camp, when we had nothing left, he was everything and I am again blown away by his ability to be our strength in our weakness and give us the things we think we don't have. Today, I didn't need as much energy as I required at Bluewater, but I did need to press thru, as i am speaking in front of the middle school tomorrow, so I had a lot of prep to get thru. And God pulled thru. It is 8:15pm and I have pressed thru after the 3 hour red-eye flight that had me leave Seattle at 1am and arrive in Msp at 6am (home by 7:30am).

So, my advice, take the red eye. Especially if you have something you need to do the next day. Working on half empty is interesting, but God always gives us what we need.

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