Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I don't often think about God's love for me and the vastness of it. I think that is because, I know I can't fathom it-but the repercussions of that way of thinking is that I don't feel enough of God's love. I think I know God' love with my head, but it is just hard for me to feel the warmth of a loving embrace from God.

But lately, I have been thinking-this thinking all sparked by a conversation with my friend Christina. She told a story about her love for showering and about how recently she found herself with a broken shower. Her water pressure was reduced to a mere trickle for days on end, and for someone who loves showering that is miserable. She got to her wits end one day and grabbed the shower-head and prayed-God, PLEASE fix my shower! She goes about her shower and then hears, 'cough'-'cough'... and the pressure was back. No lie.

Now, you might think it silly-that God would answer such an insignificant prayer. There is so much hurt and pain in the world and prayers are being tossed into the abyss often and much. But the lesson in all of this, is that God truly desires to do little things for us. When he is able to do something small, like peak sunshine in thru a 3 day long cloud cover for use; something that brings a smile to our face and a warmness to our hearts. This is when He is glad. He is warmed by our simple delights; these delights cause us to delight in Him and that is what life is about.

So pray often and about anything your heart desires. Pray with a hope and an assurance that the prayer you give to God will be answered. Know that God wants us to delight in Him and is happy to give us small desires as we dream them up. Embrace those gifts. Know that we serve a God who desperately loves us, so much so that he would do anything from fixing a shower head to sending His Son to earth. What a delightful thing to meditate on.

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